- テキスト
- プロジェクトデータ
設計期間 | 2017-2020
意匠・構造 | Ney & Partners,大成建設
所在地 | 日本, 札幌 / Japan, Sapporo
クレジット | Ney & Partners, momoko japan
Shin-Sapporo Active Link
- Texts
The Shin-Sapporo Active Link is an overhead passageway that spans seven sites: four hospitals, a high-rise condominium, a commercial facility, a hotel, and a road area) and connects each building in an elliptical shape. It protects pedestrians during the cold winter climate. The elliptical passageway, 176 m long and 3.5 m wide, was divided into 52 blocks of transportable dimensions at the factory, assembled on site, joined into 26 blocks, and then welded together in the final position using scaffolding on the vent. The perimeter opening is a Vierendeel structure, with the roof and floor cantilevered over the main structure. The inner circumference opening is made entirely of glass, creating an open walkable space.
Ney & Partners JPN are involved in the follow up of the project, including the spatial design of the complete site.- PROJECT DATA
Program | Footbridge
Study | 2017-2020
Execution | 2021-2022
Client | Daiwa House Industry Co., Ltd.
Budget | 890,000,000yen
Scale|Length 176m, Width 3.5-4.5m, Height 10m
Architect & Engineer | Ney & Partners, Taisei Corporation
Site | Japan, Sapporo
Image credit | Ney & Partners, momoko japan